Identify: Know Your Identity on Social Media & Attract Stakeholders


So I’m hoping you want t attract more “followers”. because you’re trying to reach more people who would be interested in volunteering, donating or need your services. Don’t lose sight of WHY you’re even on social media. Its not have a large following. It’s to attract, inform and build up those that could add value or need your support.

1. You post a bunch a quotes that aren’t yours: It’s okay to inspire and motivate your followers, but add your own touch to it. I constantly tell my clients don’t allow your platform to look like a poster board full of random things.

2. Followers can’t understand what you do: (or your cause/mission). Sometimes I check your Instagram pages and I honestly can’t tell if you’re an inspirational account, organization or a meme account. Some people may not be easily turned off but you maybe running away your stakeholders and not securing donations because of it.

3. You’re a ghost! Many times, organizations miss the mark by not engaging with their followers on social media. It takes more to get stakeholders than posting about the donations you need, but leave comments under their response and what they post as well. This can also lead into building those relationships I talk about this ALL the time.

4. Make them feel special! This goes along with your engagement on social media. Once you grasp the concept and get into as routine of being consistent with posting, commenting back & getting feedback you will establish stronger relationships online and you’ll gain their trust.

5. Lack consistency. Sometimes the barrier of consistency comes from not having the time because you wear all the hats in your organization. Look for those who are willing to volunteer their time doing this. Really make sure the person you choose has a desire to do this! There are those who have a passion to be on social media (paid or not). Lets face it, you may have to pay someone.

Tips: What can I do?

·       Delete or archive the posts that don’t belong on your account.

·       Start interviewing people for different volunteer positions for your org

·       Schedule your posts (but don’t forget to check them to engage with others)

Leave a comment below sharing what you plan to change or need help with. Don’t forget if you need one-on-one help BOOK AN APPOINTMENT